Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Present at the Official Angry Birds Nokia N9

Present at the Official Angry Birds Nokia N9 - Many people who say that Nokia has been finished. But tampakanya not, the smartphone that reportedly will be the last part of the collaboration of Nokia and MeeGo N9 seemed to seize attention. One that can...
READ MORE - Present at the Official Angry Birds Nokia N9

QuickPull For BlackBerry Now Update to v5.1

QuickPull For BlackBerry Now Update to v5.1 - Steelthorn has updated QuickPull application, an application used to play social networking Twitter. A popular application is now updated to v5.1. The new update is now available with BlackBerry devices can...
READ MORE - QuickPull For BlackBerry Now Update to v5.1

Twitter For BlackBerry, Bringing Small v2.1.0.28 Update For Users Curve and Pearl

Twitter For BlackBerry, Bringing Small v2.1.0.28 Update For Users Curve and Pearl - For those of you who use Twitter for iPhone as an application for social networking may be some among you who get notified of new updates today. This small update is...
READ MORE - Twitter For BlackBerry, Bringing Small v2.1.0.28 Update For Users Curve and Pearl

Weather Application Now Available For BlackBerry Xweather

Xweather is a weather application that is quite an update on the BlackBerry device. This application allows us to setup a custom homescreen widgets are pretty good weather with a few options. XWeather Features include: Customizable homescreen icon which...
READ MORE - Weather Application Now Available For BlackBerry Xweather

Lock the BlackBerry With Applications SpeedLock

Lock the BlackBerry With Applications SpeedLock - Now no need to manually locking your BlackBerry device by pressing the keypad first, or open the lock by pressing the top button on the BlackBerry. SpeedLock applications can now do it for you BlackBerry...
READ MORE - Lock the BlackBerry With Applications SpeedLock

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