Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Gifts From HackersFacebook

Do not be afraid to be a Hacker, Hacker is not forever Because people are searching for punishment for his actions. And this time the hackers take advantage of his skill. In addition to the punishment can not be biased Hacker prize or money.

Hackers can get the money if they can find vulnerabilities and report prior to Facebook and does not divulge the findings to the public before the security holes / bugs fixed.
Terms of follow up program WhiteHat:
Be the first to discover and report bugs / security holes
Facebook to give time to fix bugs before the findings public and do not preach it to perform data destruction.
Report bugs that could compromise data integrity or privacy of Facebook users such as: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF / XSRF), Remote Code Injection
Bug found is not of the Facebook application, integration with third-party site Facebook, the use of techniques DoS (Denial of Service) or Spam
Not domiciled in countries affected by the embargo the United States (North Korea, Libya, Cuba, etc.)
Rewards are paid after the bugs studied by internal security team up, and if eligible the hackers will get cash prizes starting at $ 500 and its value will be even greater depending on the level of vulnerability to bugs found.
Step up paying hackers for security mentest systems (websites, servers, etc.) is actually not something new in the world of technology.
Mozilla is already taking a similar thing, and starting in 2010 Google offered a reward of U.S. $ 500 - U.S. $ 3,133.7 for the people (hackers) capable of finding bugs in their systems.
Facebook seriousness of the world's security and hacking are also characterized by being one of the main sponsors DEF CON event (the annual convention of the hackers), the aim of course to look for new seedlings as employees of Facebook.
Wrestling in the world of hacking and hackers recruit an employee is not taboo for Facebook, because when watching a movie blog readers Canz real Mark Zuckerberg's Social Network itself originally was a hacker.
So interested to "hack up" without fear arrest by the police and still earn money? Visit WhiteHat to register as a hacker.
Who knows if your hacking skills good enough maybe you could work on Facebook as Geohot. :)

Comments :

5 komentar to “Gifts From HackersFacebook”

Anonim mengatakan...

hadiah yang menarik gan...

sayang ane bukan hacker gan..hehe

Shahriar mengatakan...

Hi...vey nice blog with very good informative.
Heartfelt thanks for ur visit Friend.Hope u like my site,also nice to me visit ur site,waiting to next visit.

IZZA BNA mengatakan...

Ok,.....makasih komentnya....

Asrizal Wahdan Wilsa mengatakan...

hacker mana nih sob?

basri yudianto mengatakan...

kalo dah jago jadi hacker enak juga ya,,, g dihukum malah dikasih duit... thanks buat artikelnya.. slam blogger.

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